Safety Happens: If YOU make it happen

If safety is common sense, then why do so many accidents happen? Well, it turns out common sense isn’t so common, and safety happens if YOU make it happen. Even with the most robust safety program a proactive element is needed for it to be completely affective. Michael, shares his story about complacency and a false sense of security in the workplace, and why taking personal responsibility for your own safety is a daily necessity!


"Almost every environment that we live an work in has risks and dangers there’s no there’s no shortcut there’s no simple poster or flyer and that is why I believe Michael is really onto something here is because he is able to take his own personal life experience and connect with people on a very visceral level to talk about what could happen what frankly does happen on an all to frequent basis and it Has to be personal."

Even Renz MD, MPH, FACS

"As one of his early clients where he came and visited with my company a construction company on Nantucket, and we filled a room with my employees and with some of our subcontractors and he came in as a consultant and it was it was very much about his experience and his accident and how that was preventable and it starts with personal accountability and to hear it from a guy like Michael who’s been through what he’s been through is a very powerful experience."

Jamie Feely

"The Safety Happens briefings by Michael Lammey provided the most useful safety training our shipyard has ever received. His personal story and safety messages about complacency and a false sense of security during our daily operations really reinforced to our people the need to watch out for their own safety."

Tammy Brown


"Thank you for your courage.  What you are doing is making a difference..."

Dear Mr. Lammey,

Several days ago, you spoke to my son's shop at PSNS.  I am so glad.  I just wanted to thank you for what you do to promote safety on the job.  My son has only worked at PSNS a short time, but I grew up the daughter of a WWII Navy veteran and shipyard boilermaker worker.  My dad worked at PSNS in 1950 and then worked for Todd Shipyard as a welder for 40 years.

I have heard many workplaces accident stories.  Of course, I have impressed upon my son the dangers and urged him to be cautious and speak up.  But as a single mom I can only do so much.  It is easy for a young man to think of mom as a little hyper vigilant.  Your presentation had quite an impact!  My son showed me your flyer and discussed your presentation much of the following day.  Thank you!  Thank you for your courage.  What you are doing is making a difference and it may prevent the son or daughter of a mom like me from being involved in a terrible accident.  I am very grateful.  

Carla Abrams